Monday, August 23, 2010

Fox News helps Fund Ground Zero Mosque

That's right. As reported on Fox News and Friends this morning, funding for the Ground Zero mosque is coming from a group of Saudi's called the Kingdom Foundation. The analyst said this foundation is headed up by a guy who funds radical forms of Islam all over the world through madrases. They went on to say that the guy gave a ten million dollar contribution to Rudy Guiliani for New York City disaster relief after 9/11, in which Guiliani returned it to him. Apparently they did minimal research before this guy opened his pie hole as the guy in question is non other than Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al Saud. The same Prince that is the second largest shareholder of NewsCorp, (Behind Rupert Murdoch) parent company of Fox News. Now if the Prince is getting dividends or any financial gain from NewsCorp then that money could be considered income in which he funds radical Islam. Thanks a lot Fox. At least we know where you stand on this issue.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm Back

It's been a while because I have been busy with a new addition to our family. She's a good girl most of the time, but has to constantly be watched. She is a white boxer puppy, who is playful, and mischievous, and takes up a lot of time. Introducing, Riley Marting. Now getting back to politics. The big talk lately has been about letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the top two percent of earners in this country. I think the logical thing to do is let them expire. Now I am no expert but when you have people like Alan Greenspan who everyone trusted when Bush was in office, and David Stockmon, President Reagans Office of Management and Budget (Read: The Architect of the Reagan tax cuts) going so far to say that the Bush tax cuts have led to serial financial bubbles and Wall Street depredations that have crippled our economy. I would say I trust these two Republican economists. In fact unless you make over 250 thousand a year the rolling back of the tax cuts will not effect you and in some cases you will be better off. People who make less than 100,000 a year. Here is a graph of tax cuts per year on what you would pay on income.
20,000-30,000 Dem 771 Rep 769
40,000-50,000 Dem 916 Rep 909
50,000-75,000 Dem 1132 Rep 1119
75,000-100,000 Dem 1900 Rep 1871
200,000-500,000 Dem 6743 Rep 7152
500,000-1 Million Dem 6701 Rep 17,467
1 Million+ Dem 6349 Rep 103,835
What this shows is that the Bush tax cuts favor only the very wealthy in this country while the rest of us make up for it. In fact unless you make less than 500,000 it really doesn't effect you. And all of you that say that these tax cuts create jobs, bullshit, we have been losing jobs since the Bush tax cuts were fully implemented and when he left office the unemployment rate was above nine percent and increasing. Leading Republican Economists have said to let the tax cuts roll back. Oh and by the way when all of you were screaming about the health care bill going through by way of reconciliation, this was the only way they could pass the tax cuts. Why weren't you screaming then Rush and Glenn? And because they are unfunded, the law requires them to roll back, which Bush knew when he enacted them. Now you have a putz like Newt Gingrich on Fox News saying "The Chinese pay no capitol gains tax" so now Newt is comparing our system against a communist one, interesting. People call me a communist, and Newt is siding with the Chinese.