Saturday, January 30, 2010

Obama, What a Putz

So I am watching the news tonight and I am listening to a story about how they are not airlifting any more Haitian earthquake victims who are critical patients to hospitals in the U.S. You see when the hospitals that the initial victims were taken to started to realize the cost of treating the victims, they asked for assistance from the federal government. The Obama administration then put a halt to any more Haitians being brought to this country for treatment. So let me get this straight. The Obama administration just gave a billion dollar contract to XE Services LLC, whom you may know as Blackwater. The company had to change its name because of the publicity surrounding the February 2005 unjust shooting of civilians in Baghdad. And seeing as our defense budget is larger than the rest of the worlds combined, you mean to tell me that this country can't pony up some money for the critically injured people of Haiti. That's a move a former Republican President would pull. The democrats are supposed to be the compassionate anti war party, so just what the fuck is this president thinking? What a Putz!

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