Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Torture and the Czars

On the news last night some of John Yoo's so called legal opinions for the Bush administration were starting to come out. I would first like to thank Dick Cheney for pushing to have the so called torture memos brought out into the open. These memos will just show how close this country was to having a dictator for a president. We will finally get to see just what types of lunatics we were dealing with in the Bush administration. Anyway, John Yoo was one of the attorneys that Bush relied upon to write legal opinions so that he could justify doing whatever the hell he wanted to do, to fit his twisted agenda. John Yoo could be heard talking about getting information by bringing in a prisoners child and stomping on the child's testicles in front of his father. That father in my humble opinion will say anything the people interrogating him want to hear just to save his son any agony and any father would do the same. It gets better. He then says that the President had the right to order a village of civilians to be exterminated. This is sick and the worst part is that President Cheney and Vice President Bush (that was not a typo) agreed to it. This coming from two draft dodgers of the Viet Nam war. The question is what kind of people would consider such acts. I thought this was the USA. I thought we were above that. Maybe I am just a simple person, but I do know that the terrorists have achieved some of their goals by turning our leaders into raging lunatics with delusional paranoia to even think of stuff like that. There are better ways to protect our country. Oh and the czars that we have in our government. One of my neighbors who considers himself a conservative but was behind Bush 100 percent, even though William Buckley the father of modern conservatism said that Bush was anything but conservative, keeps forwarding me emails. I have asked him to research for himself some of the things he sends but he just keeps drinking the Kool Aid and has no opinion of his own. Anyways the latest is about all the czars in the Obama administration. Some one needs to tell him that it was Bush, who increased the size of government more then any president in history. When Clinton left office he had only 7 czars. His predecessor George H.W. Bush had only 2. But along came his son G.W. Bush and he increased it to 35 czars. My friend you need to start screening the email sent to you by doing a little fact checking before forwarding it to me. I know your conservative but being conservative does not mean following the party lines because our government including both Republicans and Democrats are anything but conservative, and the Democrats don't claim to be.

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