Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Obama, Fox News and Credibility

So once again Fox News has put a story in heavy rotation that at first makes us think that there are racist people working for the Obama administration, and called for Obama to remove the person in question from her job. If you haven't been following the news, Fox ran a story about a lady named Shirley Sherrod. Shirley works for the USDA as a Rural Development Director for the Obama Administration. Seems Shirley made a speech at a NAACP convention in March, in which she talked about a white farmer who needed help to save his farm from financial problems. Shirley went on to say that with all the black farmers who have lost their farms, that why she as a black woman should give any effort to help this white guy. Now Fox takes the statement and makes it seem that is what she is doing in her current role under the Obama Administration. Bill O'Reilly called for her resignation immediately saying a Federal government official cannot have skin color deciding who gets federal assistance. Hannity said that it appears that she used her government position to racially discriminate against white farmers. Fox went so far as to put wording on the screen to set the story up saying, "Ms. Sherrod admits that in her federally appointed position, overseeing over a billion dollars, she discriminates against people due to their race", and "Government discrimination caught on tape". This story ran all day Monday on Fox News. The opinion being that Obama has hired racist people to work in his administration. The sad thing is she was relating a story from 20 years ago, not now in her present position. The story she is telling took place in 1986 a little fact checking shows. And if you listen to the whole tape she said she realizes that this is not a black and white thing. She had always helped black farmers and this was her first opportunity to help a white farmer. In her initial reaction, which Fox News keeps running, she realizes that she was wrong. And if you listen to the whole tape, she says she realizes that this is not a black and white thing but it is a struggle about poor people. Now here comes Obama. Not only does his administration demand and receive her resignation but the NAACP denounces her as well. This is not the first time Fox has done this as the "Pimp and Prostitute" story is what brought down ACORN the community organizing group. Once again Fox showed highly edited tapes, the same tactic they used, making ACORN look bad. Now an ACORN worker who lost his job is suing the "Pimp and Prostitute", a legitimate story which you will not see on Fox. The worst part about all of this is that the Obama administration got Ms. Sherrod to resign, based on a story from Fox News without checking into any of this. Obama has lost any credibility he once had. Mr Obama should be ashamed and consider himself lucky if Ms. Sherrod would be willing to work for his administration again. As bad as Fox's reporting is, Obamas fact checking and rush to judgement is even worse. Cut to Tuesday and CNN has the farmer on and he says that Ms. Sherrod is not a racist and if it weren't for her he would have lost his farm. Nothing like a smear campaign and that's why I can't stand Fox News.


  1. oh tim it gives me great pleasure to once again point out how wrong you are,you just foam at the mouth trying so hard at putting down fox why don't you try getting the facts straight,it did not run all day monday as you claim lie #1,she was phoned while on the road and told to resign by a higher up because she was going to be on beck that night,beck mentioned that tuesday on his radio show but not on his for oreilly and hanity yes they did but so did the naacp and the white house as you mentioned and the buck really stops with mrs sherrod on cnn said nothing about blaming fox unlike you this person has a grip and so far has only had things to say about the white house .now let's see now my turn 10 or so years ago when sen strom thurmond turned 100 sen majority leader trent lott praised him with a toast,now i will not make any attempts to make thurmond seem like he was'nt a bigot he was[even though he had black children out of wedlock and took finacial responsibility for them hymm strange]but then lott was attacked by the left media for that toast and had to step down from his leader ship in the senate,then a couple of weeks ago sen byrd dies a once proud member of the kkk,a leader of that hate group who recruited many new members,who in god knows what those racist did?and what did bill clinton say at his funeral"he only joined the kkk because back then that's what you had to do to get elected there"and the same person who wrote the obits in the n.y.times for both men wrote thurmond was a man mired in the politics of hate while byrd was a pillar of the senate.gee tim you sure try to pull all the stops out to smear fox but where were all your friends on cbs,nbc,abc,cnn and your fav msnbc on byrd oh yeah they were doing a good job rewriting history [for a fellow dem]or should i say a good job whitewashing the truth.

  2. tim forgot to mention the incident a few years ago,rush was talking about stem call research and how the libs wanted to use embryos in it,he talked about them bringing out micheal j fox as a spokesman for there cause,this is when it gets fun msnbc took the video of this and when rush had his head tilted back smiling they looped that part making it look like he was laughing his butt off then aquising him of being insensitive to mr fox and people that have his disease,then just two weeks ago they did it again some lib reporter talked about repup chairman steele making a dumb remark about afghan being obamas war[a statement i myself think he should step down for]then saying he only won that spot for being black,rush responded that was the only reason obama was elected,saying a white man with the same credentials as obama would not of had a chance,well well msnbc edited rushes comments showing only rushes remarks not the lib reporters that rush was responding to,as i write no one but you and far left bloggers has accussed fox of creative editing.just for giggles i watched the ed show on msnbc last night it was totally devoted to blasting fox,he had tony blankly on a conservative reporter every time tony tried to answer a ? from that idiot he got shouted[or shot] down,way to go msnbc i see the only way you want people to see things is your way,fact is they want the media to be like in the former ussr or how chaves is running it in his country there way or no way.

  3. I guess you didn't get the gist of my blog then. It was Obama I am pissed off at, Fox News is just being there usual self. They only have to answer to their shareholders. I am just pointing out that they are a fear mongering hate network that gets its news stories from the anylists opinion that they employee. Because if Hannity said it, it must be true. At least O,Reilly apologised. And yes every major network reported the same thing Fox did and should be admonished for it also. Even MSNBC. What I am pissed about is Obama must answer to us and if this is how he makes decisions without looking into the facts then yes we have a real problem, not the imaginary problem the right wing cazies have filled your head with. Oh and once again instead of just admitting when someone on your side is wrong based on fact, you do the usual thing the right wingers do and redirect the discussion at hand. So I will tell you what. I am going to TIVO Glen Becks show Monday through Friday next week and watch the whole episodes. This is not for you but another right winger I talk to because he says I would get alot more out of him if I watched the whole show. I will be blogging about it next week. By the way isn't it ironic that Newscorps (Fox parent company)second highest shareholder is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al Saud of Saudi Arabia?

  4. you talk about the imaginary problems the right wing crazies that have filled my head with,well it came out this past week what the vast hate filled left wing media does,seems during the 2008 election period when it did'nt look good for obama because of his relationship with his rev j.wright,some left wingers wanted to distract the attention by accussing conservatives like carl rove and frank barns of being racists,what have i told you in the past how the left love to accuse people to bottle them up[alaske sen.stevens,palin,chenny,tom delay etc.]and then they have people like you automaticly believing it.we should all pay attention and learn what happened to mrs.sherrod this past your going to watch beck this week good for you now you can make your own opinions about him and not something wrote about him in some left wing blog.i also never knew you hated saudis that much,i did'nt know he had alot invested in fox but the way fox is beating out all there rivals i would say he made an excellant investment,seems to me a greek commie by the name of george sorros has put more money into media in this country than anyone else,could he be trying to control what we get in the way of info?i myself like the fact we have fox or soon we'll be stuck with media that chavez gives his people.oh yeah one last thing when has a chicago politician ever let us see how decisions are made and that is what obama is a chicago politician,it'come out that they are letting the media see the list of people that have visited the white house,looky here no lobbyists just see how open we areto you,fact is they have meeting those lobbyists across the street at a caribou coffee house.same ol same ol.

  5. something everyone should know
    just watched fox news sunday,first guests were newt gingrich and ex gov and dem national pres howard dean.dean came out swinging accussing fox news of being racist[seems that is going to be the dems rallying cry this fall]and blaming them for the sherrod blunder this past week,chris wallace pointed out that mrs sherrod was forced to quit last monday and up till then fox had not once made a report about her,dean shot back that beck was going to put her story on his show,wallace replied he never did then added something i did not know that when the naacp was calling her resignation a good thing they had the whole video tape to review in fact the video she was making a speech in was at an naacp meeting so who really dropped the ball on this,dean just sat there trying to change the subject but looking like a mentally retarded deer staring into some very bright headlights.rev. jackson was on afterwards same accusations,and who say's fox can't have guests with differ'nt opinion's?

  6. Your both right and wrong. It is admirable that Fox is finally putiing some true progressives on their network for a different opinion and I mean that. Yes the NAACP looked like idiots and Ms. Sherrod even alluded to that. Where your wrong is the story, like I said in my post, ran on Fox News all day monday on their Fox News website. By the way where most people sitting at their desks get their news during the day. I usually look at the USA Today while at work as its the only news not filtered by our company.

  7. looked it up fox did not run the story once on monday,sherrods boss told her to quit on monday because she was going to be on beck that night[how would she know what beck was going to have on and why should it matter?]dean still and always has looked stupid and i did not know our company is filtering the news how can they?hope your still tivoing beck,love to hear your reaction of him now that your actually watching some of his shows and not just reading about him on some far leftwing blogs where as you would say it could be filtered.oh almost forgot to mention about john kerry how about him buying that $7 mil dollar boat average joe that he is,but keeping it in rhode island where he dose'nt have to pay any taxes on it like he would have in his home state of mass,wow he saved close to $500k, his progressive leftwing policies make those people in mass pay out thier noses in taxes but whats it to him thier to stupid or to poor to figure out the tax codes he helps write and avoid paying the taxes that he'll spend for them, because thier to stupid to know what's good for themselves

  8. watched fox brett behr today they showed howard dean on msnbc ed show on monday still claiming that fox was talking about sherrod all day on monday,they went on and showed how she was'nt,remember how i said they will keep on telling the same lies till the dumb people just give up and believe them.saw how john kerry decided to pay his state the $500k in taxes for his boat,he did nothing illegal so do you think he did it out of feeling good to pay it or political reasons?see rep.pangel of n.y. is still around seems polosi can't kick his problem down the road any more,seams the colture of corruption went from being a g.o.p problem to being a dem one.gotta go now before this comment gets filtered

  9. watched some of the ed show on msnbc todaywow talk about a guy with issues and the truth is one of them,he ranted how the g.o.p.did not want to extend unemployement benefits,wrong ed the repubs were against the way the dems wanted to pay for those benefits instead of adding on to the nations debt the way it ended up the repubs wanted to use unspent tarp money,ed kinows this but he also knows how to whip up the leftwing nuts and he dose it by people like this the ends will always justify the means.

  10. tim got back to our blog see you have'nt been writing lately so i'll just hop in,i have noticed that you and howard dean both called fox either a hate network or a racial one for the sherrod mess both of you saying fox ran that story all day long the same day when she was forced to quit.problem now that everyone and i am so happy to point out everyone knows fox never ran that story at all that day until o'rielly showed with 10 minutes left on his show,so the question i've always been asking is what crazy far left wing blogs do you guy's get your info from seriuosly let me know so i can check it out and have a good laugh,speaking of a good laugh when i can stomach it i've been watching a little msnbc,now tim you call fox a hate network so what in gods name can you call these i am waiting for your comments about glen beck you said you were going to tivo him for a week and accually watch him i really want to know what you think, see if it's the same now as it was before like when you screamed at me to turn off my radio because you hated him so much,or if it's change because you've accually listened to him instead of getting your info off that blog that i got to get for those laughs.

  11. i have to point out another lie in your blog,you mention how fox edited the pimp and prostitute tapes,they never did that and how an acorn worker lost his job over that ,well you must not of watched those tapes because there never was a he it was a she,once again you prove that reading about fox on a leftwing hate blog is more realistic than accually watching them.and try to talk about the real racism in the sherrod tape no one wants to talk about,she's talking at a meeting of the naacp and when she say's she was going to withhold all of the help she could give that white farmer[the very same comment that started this whole mess with in the first place]what was the reaction of the people in the crowd,was there gasps?shouts of disgust?anger over racial profiling? no they applauded her,this came a week after the naacp demanded that the tea party movement disavow the racists in their organization,how ironic another liberal oranization doing what they claim other groups do to them.
