Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Way to go Smart People and Election 2010

Five False Things Republicans got the Public to Believe Prior to Nov. 2nd 2010

1. President Obama tripled the yearly deficit.

False, President Bush’s last budget was 1.416 trillion. President Obama’s first budget was 1.29 trillion. Source: Congressional Budget Office

2. President Obama raised taxes which hurt the economy.

False, 40 percent of the 787 billion dollar stimulus went to tax breaks on top of the Bush tax breaks already in effect. It’s the only way senate Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats would vote for it. Source: C-Span

3. President Obama bailed out the banks.

False, The bank bailouts were requested by President Bush and his Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson the former CEO of Goldman Sachs. These bailouts were signed into law on Oct 3, 2008, a full month before Obama was elected and three months before he took office. Source: Too Big To Fail, Andrew Ross Sorkin

4. The stimulus did not work.

False, The stimulus created at least 1.4 million non government jobs. In fact the last three months of the Bush administration saw job losses of over seven hundred thousand jobs a month. In comparison the stimulus was signed into law mid February 2009 and by April 2009 the losses had been cut by a hundred thousand a month and by August 2009 had been cut in half to three hundred thousand a month. If not for the stimulus the job loss would have kept increasing. Source: Business Insider and Department of Labor.

5. Health Care (Obama Care) will add a trillion dollars to the deficit.

False, According to the Congressional Budget Office it will actually decrease the debt by 138 billion.

Look this stuff up for yourself if you don’t believe me, or are you afraid to. Congratulations to the Republicans. They sold you on tall tales. They say they will cut the deficit, but ask any of them where they are going to cut. None of them will commit to cutting anything. The biggest programs are Social Security, Medicare, and Military, and they will not touch those three or they’ll be out as fast as they got in. Ask them if they are going to vote yes on raising the debt ceiling next year. I’ll bet they do, because if they don’t the U.S. will not be able to pay loans that are do. And now that were off the gold standard there will be no faith in the value of the dollar anywhere in the world.


  1. oh tim your back and pissed off more than ever,i see you've been keeping busy listening to the wacky lefties on msnbc and 820 am,good keep on drinking the koolaid they have been mixing for people like you.i actually listened to that laurence o'donnel on monday for a half hour[wow broke a record there]he was talking about raising the debt ceiling and something about getting the repubs to get the blame for it can't remember it all but sounds fishy to me.i also learned that after 9/11/01 he taliban were eager to hand over osamma to the u.s. as long as we would give him a trial but pres bush said no we want a war,the new things you can learn about history when you tune into shows like mr.o'donnel's.well tommorow the pres leaves for india with wait for this one 3000 people on 40 jets spending about $200 mil a day for 10 day's wow how great it is to be a lib and spend our money like that.last thing today the fed said they are going to print an extra $600 bil yes thats billion and for gods sake i don't know what they are going to do but it has to be done by the end of next year's secound qt,now what do you think thats going to do to the value of the $,somehow i know it will be the repubs fault.

  2. Joe once again you refused to address the subject I am talking about. Why cant you just stick to that instead of going off in what attorneys call a missdirect. So I will once again comment. You have it wrong, the Taliban were sick of Bin Laden while Clinton was still in office and they were negotiating with a third party country like Sweden or Norway to take him for a fair trial in those countries and niether Clinton nor Bush would agree to it. Afganistan was just a precurser to the invasion of Iraq. At least two former Cabinet Seceretaries have said in the first cabinet meeting at the White House, shortly after Bush took office, well before 9-11, Bush was allready asking how he could get us into Iraq. Including Treasury Seceratary Paul O'Neill, who, now that he said something against the allmighty Bush you label him as a commie. So I guess anyone who does not believe in the Republican Agenda is a commie. And you say I drink the koolaid. As for the cost of Obama's trip, Michele Bachman was the one who told Fox News about the costs and amount of military power being sent over to India. So if she said it it must be true. For security reason those exact figures are not released to anyone who isn't directly involved, especially some junior congresswoman. Because Hannity and Beck picked up on it and escalated it, Fox's news anchors then reported it and so it must be true. Even one of their anylists have said if you don't believe him just look at the internet. Wasn't it you who told me don't believe everything you read on the internet. I believe Geoff Morrell the official spokesman for the Pentagon who came out and said those figures are "Comical and absurd and nothing close to that"
