Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So the tea baggers who got elected on a smaller government, less spending platform, are some of the most hypocritical bunch of assholes I have ever came across. By the way they are the ones who want to shut down government by not funding it. They are trying to blame it on the Democrats in the house but they are holding Speaker Boehner hostage.

In Fact the Tea baggers have told Speaker Boehner that unless they get 242 Republican votes for a budget, that they would shut government down. In other words if Speaker Boehner brought the current budget with all the cuts he originally asked for to the floor he would have enough Democratic votes to pass it. But he will not as he must hold his Republicans together. Tell me again who doesn't have the balls to be a leader.

If government shuts down will congress still get their paychecks? Yep. Will you get your income tax refund? Nope. Will people get their unemployment? Nope. You see, all non essential government services will be shut down. Right now the economy is starting to rebound, and if the economy is good come election time, Obama is a shoe in for re-election.

A government shutdown will snag the flow of money that fuels the economy and if the economy is bad, it's goodbye Obama. That is the goal of the Teabaggers. All of these Republican Senators or Congressman have flat out said they want to shut down government. Mike Lee Utah, Louie Gohmert TX, Mike Kelly PA, Tom Price GA, and from my own Illinois 8th District, Joe Walsh. He goes so far as to say this country needs some shock therapy. Which by the way is the subject covered in Naomi Kleins excellent book "The Shock Doctrine" which talks about how shock therapy has destroyed many countries around the world. Anyways if you don't believe me go to YouTube and look up "Caught on tape, Republicans that support a government shutdown"

The only thing they desire is for Obama to be voted out of office. That is playing politics with peoples lives. Every single member of Congress is a millionaire, it's no wonder that they do not represent "We the People". As for the more government side of things let's look at some of the more crazy bills they have tried to pass that add government not decrease it.

Last week GA State Congressman Bobby Franklin introduced a bill requiring mothers who miscarry to prove that the miscarriage was natural. How much more intrusive can government get. How is it extreme groups like the Michigan Militia who would like total freedom from government not denounce this? Because they're on the same side.

Also included in the Republicans budget cuts is an amendment stopping Washington D.C. from using local, not federal tax dollars funding abortions for low income women. I thought the Teabaggers were all about minimal federal government and letting state and local governments run things the way they want.

By the way if the Republicans are so against government intervention on all levels, who are they to tell a woman what she can or can't do with their body? And don't give me that shit line "The fetus does not have a say" and that's who they're fighting for, because does a four or five year old have a say when his parents bring them across the border illegally into this country? No the Republicans treat them like shit and want them back where they came from.


  1. so let me get this right you want to blame this whole budget mess on the tea party,fine go ahead in your mind all that is wrong in the universe is the fault of the g.o.p.but the fact is this budget should have been voted on and passed last october, but the dems knew they'ed get a worse beating in november if they passed what they are trying to get now so they kicked the can down the road like they always do and blame the g.o.p. now thats playing politics with the present and future of this country and the real let me say that again the real people who need gov assisstance.almost forgot thank god they found those extra votes to put that wis g.o.p. judge over the top with that lib bitch.

  2. so the prez is doing a victory lap for the passed budget,something as i see it he had no input in at all,and the dems want to keep spending $ on things like cowboy poetry festivals,well keep it up burden future generations with this debt.last week a progressive lib asked me how can i be against my own special interest?well my answer is that special interests are what is eating at the economics of this country,special interests are a burden to this country and i was raised to never think that i should be entitled to something i did not deserve or work for,to think that a person that is not yet even born will be paying taxes for decisions that are being made today so some people will get what they precieve as something they deserve[special interests,entitelments],well i pay my fair share in taxes and i fair share i will not complain about,and i do not want to be a burden to my fellow countrymen , but for pete's sake when will the goverment stop being a burden on me.

    a joke
    how come the tea party likes to treat everyday like it's the fourth of july,when progressive leftwing democrate commie liberals want to treat everyday like it's april 15[tax day].
