Friday, August 19, 2011

What? Only Fifty Percent of Our Citizens Pay Taxes

John Cornyn (R TX) among others has been complaining that fifty one percent of our country does not pay any taxes  According to the Tax Policy Institute it's actually about about forty six percent, but for everyones sake let's just say it is fifty percent.  Fox News seems to have had everyone of their on air personalities screaming the talking point.  What Fox News does not tell you is that out of the fifty percent, almost half are retired people who do not make enough money to pay taxes.  If you have retired parents who are on social security and maybe some savings dividends, would you want them to start paying?  They're retired it's time for them to enjoy life, not worry about it.  But that's ok because the same Republicans that wan't to tax Social Security want to get rid of it all together anyway.  Warren Buffett one of the wealthiest people in the world, this week said the rich need to step up and pay a higher tax rate.  To which one idiot on Fox News called him a Socialist.  One of the greatest capitolists in history is called a socialist?  And that's why I do not take what Fox News says too seriously.  Getting back to point, the other half of the fifty percent don't pay taxes because they are poor.  They don't make enough to pay income tax, but the ones that work, do pay other taxes such as Social Security, Medicare, Sales Taxes, Gasoline and other user based taxes.  The ones that don't work still pay user based taxes.  The amount they pay is actually disproportionately higher than many well off people pay.  How you ask, someone who makes four hundred grand a year stops paying into Social Security at roughly one hundred, seven thousand dollars a year.  With that in mind he roughly pays Social Security on about twenty five percent of his income, where as a person who makes twenty five thousand a year pays Social Security taxes on one hundred percent of his income.  I have explained this so even a chimpanzee could understand it.

To fix the problem with our budget shortfall the Democrats want to raise the tax on the four hundred richest Americans another three percent by rolling back the Bush tax cuts, in addition to cutting spending.  Republicans are saying no way.  Spending cuts only.  Republicans say that it would only generate around seven hundred billion over ten years.  How out of touch are they?  Seven hundred billion is major money.  Instead as I said they want everyone to pay their fair share.  I am all for it, so let's take someone who earns the national average for a family of four which is around forty thousand a year, find out the total taxes they pay (everything I mentioned above) and that percentage would be applied to everyone making over four hundred thousand a year.  This country would be out of debt in no time considering the four hundred richest Americans have over fifty percent of the money and they make well over four hundred thousand a year. 

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