Friday, April 23, 2010

I Am Being Called a Communist

I am now being called a communist from a coworker because of a reference I made in an earlier post about the people of Venezuela being better off now because of their president Hugo Chavez. To clear the air I am not a fan of communism nor will I ever be. I don't agree with the policies that Hugo Chavez uses. I however agree with facts, something my Republican coworker doesn't seem to get. He constantly interrupts when I try to explain something and then changes subjects or puts the spin on just like his two hero's Beck and Limbaugh. The fact is 95 percent of the citizens of Venezuela are now better off than they were before Chavez was freely elected into power twice. Something my friend says was a fixed election even though it was watched over by an international team of diplomats monitoring it. Question is, how is it that when the Republicans desired candidate doesn't win an election they say it was fixed, or better yet, "where's his birth certificate?" What I think is far worse is when our country places its choice of dictators to rule in other countries to stop anything we deem to be harmful to our country. The Shah of Iran and various leaders in South Vietnam in the late sixties, or El Salvadore in the eighties come to mind. So lets get back to the communism thing. In the movie The Hunt for Red October there is a seen where Sam Neills character asks Sean Connery's character (Both being Soviets) about going between states without carrying papers after they defect to the United States. Sam Neills character is astonished that you could do such a thing. We were led to believe that was how life is in the Soviet Union. No longer do you have to travel that far anymore. Just head west to Arizona where the Governor just passed a law today that basically states that if you look Hispanic a police officer can pull you over and demand that you show your proof of citizenship such as a birth certificate. My friend from work defends this policy by the way. And it has already happened as a truck driver was arrested because he could not prove he was a citizen not having his birth certificate. He did however have a CDL drivers license and was in fact born hear in the United States. This to me sound much more like communism than anything Obama has tried to do. It seems to me the only part of the constitution that the far right wants to acknowledge is the second amendment with total disregard for the rest of it. Who's the communist? It sure as hell isn't me.


  1. you saying your not a commie is like saying your not overweight.

  2. tim
    forget to mention how the unions want obama to pass card check,to see who you are where you live and how you vote.and you cry when an illegal gets asked for his i.d.when your out of country i bet you have apologized for the u.s.wishing we were more like them,don't worry the road to socializm is just a bump to the end which is communizm[utopia to people like you].we see now how social goverments like greece, spain,portugal,italy are doing,but don't worry we're wright behind them . just as planned by people who want to shred our constitution that our forefathers put together and try something that has failed and killed more people than any other human experiment since history began.MARIXM

  3. Ok so you know me but I don't know who you are but I have a pretty good idea. I encourage dissenting opinions as this is what a democracy is not only all about but needs. So lets get started. Employee Free Choice act is just what it says. It gives employees a choice to either vote in a union the old way through secret ballot or through the new way of card check. This levels the playing field so companies have a harder time intimidating employees not to join a union. Massey energy has intimidated their employees into not unionizing and look at the results. Big Branch mine in 2009 had 495 violations and safety is what led to the 29 deaths last month at that mine. Canada's coal mines are all unionized and have near perfect safety records. And thats just the big stuff you hear about. Massey was fined almost 9 million dollars for trying to fire older mine employees in 2009. How would you like it if your job deemed you as to old to work? It has happened at my workplace with the reference coming from a member of management that maybe I should find a new job as I wasn't working fast enough. You then talk about illegals being asked for ID, and then talk about the constitution. To you Republicans, there is more than the 2nd ammendament to the constitution. The fourth ammendment states that "The right of the people to secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized". I guess in your mind this only applies to caucasians, but if you look Hispanic, that deems probable cause. The Tea Baggers are against government intrusion so why aren't they against Arizonas new law? Once again does the law only apply to caucasians? You mention countries in Europe that are having problems do to socialism. Fact, Greece is in financial trouble because of bad investments from Goldman Sachs, who now have a civil lawsuit and later to come a criminal lawsuit against them. The same Goldman Sachs whose private emails last week showed they sold shitty investments and then bet against them. You don't mention socialized countries like Germany, The Netherlands or Norway, who have half the unemployment that our country has and they have fared far better during the global economic crisis than we have. You also say that socialism leads to communism. Europe has been socialized since World War II, yet they are not communist, so how long does it take? I like Ron Pauls ideas but one thing he seems to miss is he feels people are honest and can self police in a free market. Companies like Goldman Sachs, Massey Energy, and BP are just some examples. In Europe the oil wells are required to have an emergency shut off valve to prevent the very disaster taking place in the Gulf right now. But in the U.S. it is voluntary to have this valve. At a cost of half a million per well why do it. It takes away from the bottom line. These are examples of self policing. You wan't a true free market look at a country like Somalia where there is no regulation at all and only the strong survive.

  4. tim
    your right employers only intimidate never unions,you should check out the video last year of seiu & acorn members in st.louis giving an old black man a beating & calling him a nigger for speaking out at a dems town hall meeting.hey instead of critising guys like hannity,beck& rush without listening to a whole show is silly.can't read a blog about them & tell me you know all about if you hav'nt figured out who i am by now, you are a dumb pinko commie.

  5. Like I said, I had a pretty good idea of who you are and I know you miss me. I just don't assume until I am sure. Anyways you accuse me of not seeing the whole thing (Limbaugh/Beck) then why don't you check out the California Attorney Generals un-edited tape of the Pimp and Prostitute who brought down Acorn. I would like your opinion on that now because you sure had a lot to say about it then. Also I did not say unions did not intimidate people. What I said was that it levels the playing field. I don't agree with intimidation from either side but I do agree with having a level playing field. There are bad apples in every bunch and even you have admitted that, G Ryan for example. Thanks for the dissenting opinion and I welcome it as we don't get to talk politics anymore. I hope you keep reading and giving me your opinion as we differ ideologically but keep the name calling down if you want responses back.

  6. Oh and a couple of other things I caught out of the corner of my ear. Did I hear that right, that GOP Governor Candidate Bill Brady has not paid any federal income tax the last 2 years? Roberta, wheres your theory of who it is that's not paying taxes? And as for Geitner I think he should be replaced immediatly as he was a poor choice in the first place. He is another free market advocate until things go south and then want's help from the government to bail his friends on Wall Street out, all while taking big bonuses on taxpayers dimes. Fifty dollars says he has a job with a top Wall Street firm within three months of leaving government. But then again isn't Wall Street and the government one and the same?

  7. tim
    as for leveling the playing field is that what hillary did at the u.n. today by telling the world how many nukes we have.this was a closely guarded secret till now,our foes must be laughing their collective asses off at the incompotence of this administration,but that must make progressives like yourself overcome with for brady his construction company took a big hit along with the rest of us,but i bet you think all repubs are millionaires don't u.

  8. Not at all my parents and my wifes parents make you look liberal and they are not millionairs. And I believe Ronald Reagan said in 1994 that he wanted to see a world free of nuclear weapons and I believe that includes us. If you look at Reagans record vs. Obamas current record Obama is to the right of Reagan.

  9. i think reagan like the rest of us wished for a nuke free world,don't you libbies love to try to use reagan against conservatives ain't gonna work with this one.what he did say " was peace through strength "try spinning that one ain't gonna work.obama to the right of reagan please wake up .and don't try telling folks limbaugh say's obama blew up the oil rig just because some leftwing nuts said so thought i'd stop you before you sounded like msnbc idiots he did'nt.

  10. Tim, you are out of control. Perfect examples of how you want things to be are all around. Look no further than Greece. Is this what you want for us? The government is oppressive, they no longer do what the people want, take health care for example. You need to wake up!!!!!!

  11. Also Tim, you are not fat, you are dead sexy.

  12. i have to comment more about this blog
    never said chavez election was fixed but now that you mention it?as for interrupting you in the middle of a sentance try starting one without lying,example your statement of all hispanics in arizona being rounded up without provercation is false & you know it in fact their law mirrors fed law their just going to enforce it,i would never defend police pulling over someone for looking hispanic that would be rasism & i am not going to let any commie call me that.i do listen to beck & limbaugh unlike you so i can smell the b.s. when people lie about talk about greece getting it from goldmansachs,the facts are now coming out how greece lied & fixed their financial records so they would be admitted into the e.u. who are now having to bail the lyers out.and saying we only think of the secound amendment we do like the first too,unlike the radicals who try & infiltrate tea party demonstrations & shout anti black slurs so it looks like the tea party is full of bigots,tatics like that probably make you proud.and the ? of fixed elections and crying bush won both florida & ohio fair & square something you'll never get over,but lets never talk about acorn & how they help out the dems. so let's see how did this start oh yeah i will let you finish sentance if you could start one without the usual b.s. josef goebels hitlers minister of propoganda said lie,lie and keep on lying till they all believe you,don't be like that .

  13. tim
    looked this up for you,it's an exact quote from josef axelrod & emmanuel must of studied this one to a tee,should make progessives like you proud.
    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

  14. Responding to egz no I don't want to be like Greece and yes they are out of control. A lot of their problems stem from their conversion to the Euro and the roll Goldman Sachs had. As for oppressive, Arizonas law requiring citizens to carry proof of citizenship or risk being detained until they can prove it seems pretty oppresive to me. And thanks your sexy as all hell yourself.

  15. tim
    illinois and most but not all states require i.d.s just ask a i mentioned before greece lied about their finances to the e.u. it had nothing to do with a conversion,as margrate thatcher said "the problem with socialism is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money" way to go greece

  16. tim
    checked today 42 states require people to carry i.d.s in illinois if you don't drive you still must carry a state issued card the one that looks like a drivers license i'm sure you have seen one so get off the arizona is an oppressive state unless you want to include the other 41.

  17. Joe, An ID card and proof of citizenship are two completely different things as a truck driver of hispanic descent was detained and taken to jail until his wife brought his birth certificate. He showed the police his Arizona CDL license and was told that did not prove citizenship. Two different things.

  18. tim
    showed ari cdl and still detained i don't believe that so i'll give you the chance to prove it,just saying so dose'nt, like accussing me of saying all muslims are terrorist when i did'nt,just like when you open your mouth and say rush said this or beck said that when you can't prove it.
    now in 2 previous postings above i mentioned greece's goverments lies about their finances to get in the e.u.and nothing about goldman sachs.are you avoiding the ?,sure you are,still gotta blast the big banks and kiss the butts of the socialists who screwed up greece.the only way out will be capitalism .

  19. It actually happened the week before the Governor signed the law by an overzealous law enforcement officer. Read Joe yes Greece is at fault themselves, but G.S. had a lot to do with it also. As for avoiding questions why is Germany's economy doing so good right now? Arent they socialized. And if you are so against socialism you should stop driving to work and walk because that road your on is socialism. In fact isn't our interstate highways called they Eisenhowere Interstate System? Go ahead start calling Ike a socialist.

  20. ike had it built for interstate commerce,whats so socialist about that?go capitalism.

  21. Spin it any way you like, just like your pals Rush and Beck but the highway system is a social service. A system paid for by the masses and ran by the government.

  22. germany is not as socialized as you may think,but let's face if anyone could make something as crappy as socialism work it could only be the krauts.[i ever mention my nationality]

  23. still avoiding another ?.being the world traveler would you leave your hotel or resort without your passport?if not try bashing those countries like you do your does it feel being in the i hate america crowd?i'd thought that would be over since bush is out and the mesiah is in.

  24. tim
    on your may 2, response you mention the fourth amendment,this is for u.s citizens not illegals also mention canadian coal miners all being in unions and there safety record i'll take your word for it,but chinese coal miners are all union and i can't remember the last time a year went by and not heard of a dozen accidents and a 1000 dead,it's a suckass,unapreciated dangerous job,but i'll take our workers our tech and our companies over any other countries.

  25. you say on your may 2, post that a member of management told you to find a new job because your not fast enough, i'd like to meet that manager take back some of the thing's i've said about them not paying attention,let's face it,it's your fellow workers not management they are sick of listening about the evil conservatives,tea party,or big bussiness that everyone knows you hate so much [forgot about defense spending,christians etc]and then having to pick up your slack,so until i hear who saiid that to you this comment is going right in the truth dept.
