Monday, July 5, 2010

Hypocrites and More Hypocrites

The first thing I noticed lately is how many Republicans consider themselves good Christians, the key word being good. So I don't understand how Republicans in the Senate keep blocking unemployment benefit extensions. Actually it is unemployment insurance which we as employees and the companies we work for pay into. That's what insurance is, so why are we being denied it. Republicans say there is no money in the budget for it. There is also no money in the budget for our two ongoing wars but they have no problem voting for their continued funding. Then Michael Steele makes some comment about Afghanistan being Obama's war. Even the Republican leaders were cringing at that one. According to the Bible's New Testament, Mathew 25 to be exact says "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in". Sounds to me like that's what the government is trying to do with unemployment which by the way, that money goes right back into the economy because no one is banking their unemployment checks. And you say that Jesus did not mean for our tax dollars go to help less fortunate. That's because Jesus lived in a Monarchy. He had no choice in government affairs. We live in a democracy and right now for better or for worse, the Democrats have the majority to make decisions. There are many passages in the New Testament with examples of Jesus helping the less fortunate (Mathew 19, Luke 7, Luke 18, and John 3) John 3.17 specifically says " If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth". Seems to me there are a lot of people spouting Christian values out of their mouths but not living what they are saying. Maybe its time they ask themselves are they Christians through talk or are they Christians through their actions?


  1. wow i really don't know what to say,in earlier blogs you a progressive far left wing lib tried to misuse the words of a real conservative ronald reagan to make it sound like he had progressive intent,rush a few year's ago said be careful when they try to lie about what our people say to make it seem like a guy like reagan is more center left than conservative man was he right,but now you've gone to far an atheist using scripture to push a liberal agenda[i'll use your own words from an earlier blog"i was born a catholic but do not adhere to any of there teachins as of now"]lenin was right people like you are nothing but useful idiots.

  2. "Ok my view is that any mainstream religion has fanatics who take phrases from their books and use them to advance their agenda no matter how radical or improper they are. "this is a direct quote from your blog about the religious nut job in vegas,after reading your blog above all i have to say is ha ha ha.

  3. I call it as I see it, and thats what the bible says. If you would take the time to get to know me you will see that I am actually a religious person with deep spiritual beliefs. I just don't adhere to the Catholic Religion any more due to differences of opinions such as turning a blind eye to child molester priests to paying money to annul a marriage that the church never recognized to begin with. As for using it to further my agenda or anyone elses why cant you republicans just see the truth when the facts are indisputable. In this case the bible. The difference between you and me is that I have never said anything personally bad about you. Yes I have a difference of opinion from you but I have never attacked your character or said you are a bad person for being conservative. Why can't you come up with a good argument instead of personal attacks on me? Why do the republicans have no solutions except personal attacks and cutting taxes even more. 8 years of Bush tax cuts and unregulated industry is why were in this situation now. Wake up it didn't work. Why is it that when Republicans are in office they say deficits don't matter yet as soon as they are voted out they are all crying about the deficit?

  4. tim please i've made many good argument's on our blog,i've asked you how many times to answer specific ?'s about the action's of this adimistration and you've either completely ignored the ? or still blame bush like ounce again in above i'm sorry if you think i'm just attacking you,but as i see it i'm just pointing out how you can be a hypocrite a word you love using yourself to discribe people,thing's, or policies you object to,so until you stop blaming bush for everything wrong in this world and trying to use religion[how funny that the people who use religion today to make a point were the one's that foamed at the mouth and demanded that there should be a seperation of church and state]i'll just keep on pointing out what a hypocrite you also can last thing seem's scott told you how much you were getting on my nerve's and then you went around telling people how you enjoyed that,so who's doing the personnal attack's?,and you should know better how scott like's to stir thing's up then sit back and enjoy the firework's that he lit,seem's to me your insight on what a co-worker will do is as insightful as your view on politic's?

  5. Tim, after reading a few lines of this crap, you are a true commie.
