So all of my right wing friends that told me back in December that in order to create jobs, big business must get further tax breaks. What did that idiot Obama do? Why he listened to the right wingers and gave more tax breaks for the very same people and corporations that don't need them in the first place. On Tuesday the House Democrats put a motion to stop giving tax breaks to the big oil companies. You know the ones who are about to charge us 4.00 dollars a gallon or more for gas. The same big oil companies who have been the most profitable of all businesses over the last 10 years. In fact they have made over a trillion dollars in profit. Not income but profit. But when the Democrats motion got to the floor, every single Republican voted no on ending the tax breaks big oil gets. If we are in such a budget crisis why would they do that? Let's look at one company in particular. Exxon Mobil pays not one dollar in corporate taxes to the U.S. Government. Not only do they not pay anything, but our government then gives them a check to keep doing business here. It's called a subsidy. Those subsidies to big oil will total over forty billion dollars over the next ten years. That money is not there, we have to borrow it. The Republicans screwed the subsidizing of home heating oil for low income families, but for big business such as oil companies, they find a way to fund it. That's why the Republicans are full of shit when they say they are for cutting the deficit. Getting back to the issue of less taxes equals more jobs issue, Exxon Mobil over the last five years has paid no taxes. Every year their profits go up. And every year the amount of people working there has gone down. This company pays no taxes and then gets rid of workers. This is just the opposite of what the Republicans say will happen with less taxes. That is the Republicans opinion but the opinion is wrong because in the case of Exxon Mobil it is fact.
Chart of Exxon Mobil
Year Net Income Number of Employees
2005 36.1 Billion 83,700
2006 39.5 Billion 82,100
2007 40.6 Billion 80,800
2008 45.2 Billion 79,900
The facts do not support the opinion of the house Republicans that say less taxes equals more jobs. Making matters worse is that they want our financially broke government to give what money is left to go to a company that does not pay it share of taxes while at the same time laying off workers. Good thinking.
Bonus A CEO, a Tea Party person, and a Union Worker are sitting at a table where there are a dozen cookies. The CEO grabs 11 of the cookies and asks tells the Tea Party person are you going to let that Union Worker take some of your cookie?
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people want more than just a 2 year break on taxes,they want it permanent,to invest now knowing that in 2 years they are going to get wacked with huge taxes makes no sense really think about it would you?and that joke about the cookie,saw that one in last fridays editorial in the trib,please if you're going to steal a joke make it at least funny.