Yes Texas has created more jobs than any other state during the recession under his watch but then again most of those jobs are minimum wage jobs, as Texas has the highest average amount of people making minimum wage in the country. In fact for someone who shuns the federal government, he sure asks a lot from them. His 2010 budget was only balanced because the federal government plugged 97% of his deficit. This was higher than any other state. Instead of blasting Obama he should be thanking him. Let's dig a little deeper, ok with you? Just like all the Tea Partiers in office he is full of shit. He is the typical Tea Party person talking about less government/less regulation/less intrusiveness. His record shows opposite of his rhetoric.
Such as the fact that after Merck donated 5,000 dollars to his campaign. He signed an executive order requiring 12 year old girls to get the vaccination Gardasil, which is made by Merck. To top that off his abstinence only sex education laws have resulted in Texas having the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country. He actually has an immigration policy more liberal that Obama's as he signed an executive order giving "In State Tuition Rates" to illegal aliens. As liberal as some people call me, even I don't agree with that.
But the real scary thing is what he did last weekend. He initiated a religious gathering called "The Response". He tried to fill a stadium in Houston while religious fanatic's got up and spoke to anyone who showed up. Some of the ministers are so far out there that one of the endorsers of the event called The Statue of Liberty a "Demonic Idol right there in the heart of New York Harbor".
Below is a sample of Rick Perry's work ethic:
As the state faces a budget hole of $18 billion, Part-Time Perry continues to charge Texas taxpayers over $9,000 a month in rent and $428.57 an hour for work.
Perry's extravagant rental mansion is worth $1.85 million, 10 times more than the average price for a home in Texas, which is $183,800.
"Texas taxpayers are stuck with the bills for Rick Perry's fancy mansion, his Food & Wine magazine and his one and a half chefs, while Perry charges $428.57 an hour for work," Bill White said. "He's been a career politician for so long he's forgotten who he serves. Texans deserve a governor who's working for them, not himself, and a governor who works as hard as they do."
State schedules released last week showed Perry averages just seven hours of work per week.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average work week for Texans is 40 hours.

The question now is this. To you righteous patriotic Republicans would you vote for someone running for President of the United States who accepts money from a minister who calls one of our countries greatest symbols of freedom a demonic idol? If you answer yes then you'll also be voting for a man who a little over two years ago threatened to have Texas succeed from the United States. Now there is a man all of us can trust.
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