Monday, May 3, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Obama's Katrina ?

Sure that's what the Tea Baggers are saying. Only the Tea Baggers are for a free market and less government. Free market they say, keep government out of our lives. Ok so let's look at some facts. BP who leased the well that exploded, and sank, chose not to install a certain check valve that would have shut off the flow of oil. Courtesy of the Dick Cheney summit with the energy companies soon after taking office in 2001. Installing this valve was now made voluntary instead of mandatory. In Europe this valve is still mandatory. Get the government out and we can save a half million dollars per well. Profit to the bottom line. Free market has taken over yeah. Uh oh the free market (BP in this case) has no idea how to stop the flow of oil. Who do you call for help? The government, that's who. Auto manufactures fuck up for the last 35 years, who do you call? The government that's who. Banks bring our economy to the brink of disaster for self described shitty deals, who do you call? The government, that's who. Free market has been replaced by greed and when Gordon Gecko's famous saying "Greed is good" applies, is flooding the Gulf of Mexico with oil a good thing. Tea Baggers, why aren't you protesting at BP offices around the country, instead of blasting the government, whom you did not want involved in anything in the first place? Once again just come out and say it. We know what this is really about and its not big government, or you would have come out of the woodwork long before Obama took office.


  1. i love how you spin blaming in your words tea baggers for the oil disaster and greed.what i am saying is look at the goverments reaction time to it and how people like you and the media give excuses to obama and still look back at bushes reation to new orleans,wow maybe when they shut off all the oil wells[would'nt that make all the greenies happy]and gas is at$10 a gal you can fill up your hyndai with some good old progressive hot air retohric.speaking of reaction time seems like most of nashville is underwater for over a week and still not a word from obama let's see you spin that one for him. wow i guess they deserve that for that state voting seems alittle mixed up that color should be givin to the new era dems don't you think.

  2. I re read and don't see where I blamed the tea baggers at all. What I said is that they are for a free market, and government should stay out, and then that's what they should support, not blame Obama for what happened. Also Obama had people in his administrastion there the day after the explosion. Also this was man made not natural. And we can drill all we want here but I guess you have no idea that the oil we drill here goes on the open market just like Venezuala's or Saudi Arabia's oil. And for Rush calling oil natural and the Gulf will take care of itself and how pristine Prince William Sound is, for one they are still cleaning up oil in Prince William Sound to this day. As for natural so is Uranium but exposure to it will kill you.

  3. fine your wright,oil and big industry is say b.p. is just a greedy and thats why they don't install safety devices[still need to see what caused the accident],but that failure is going to cost them big time and i'm sure future rigs will be much safer for since big oil is so evil let's see you go a week without something so bad it makes you seeth with hate and anger,i bet you could'nt go an hour.

  4. oh he still has'nt mentioned in over a week about the flooding in nashville,no comment about that.also i see today that obama still wants to regulate the internet controlling the news that he wants us to know about,hugo chavez anyone.

  5. cleaning prince william sound to this day .you have more crud in you shorts now than there is crude in the sound

  6. stop avoiding the ?
    where is obama on the nashville flood,comment on your hero.

  7. I have no comment on that as I have not looked into it but I will.
