Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Interesting Observations

So I voted for change (Obama) and that change included appointing Ken Salazar to the Secretary of the Interior. Under Secretary Salazars department sits the Minerals Management Service. This is the part of government that is supposed to be regulating the offshore drilling industry. Now it's coming out that the MMS was accepting numerous gifts from the oil companies they were supposed to be overseeing including fishing and hunting trips, private jet trips, and job offers from oil companies to MMS staff. I guess this is the change I believed in. What has Secretary Salazar been doing since his appointment? On the other hand I think its interesting that all the right wingers supported G. Bush during his handling of Hurricane Katrina. None of them thought Bush did anything wrong, yet now they're calling the oil spill Obama's Katrina. If Katrina wasn't a bad thing during the Bush Presidency are the right wingers saying its a bad thing now, or are they applauding the way Obama is handling the spill. I thought the right wingers did not want government involved in anything. Libertarians want little to no government at all and firmly believe in individual property rights. My question is if you do what you want with your property and your mess impedes other peoples property, what then. With little or no government you then have anarchy. Witness Somalia, a country with no government for 18 years and counting. There anything goes and only the strong survive literally.


  1. well boo hoo you have buyer's remorse welcome to the club[george ryan]we never get everything we want,i'll give you credit for realizing that now,unfotunatly most people stick their heads in the sand when it comes to politics,they take it out every 4 years to vote then stick it right back bad i'm taking that credit back because instead of staying on course with the focus on the current administration you had to take another swing at bush and right wingers.ironic that the libs loved to bash bush when he held a press conferance,oh he's so dumb he can't put two words together,but the messiah has'nt had one since last july when he talked about the cambridge policeman acting stupidly,no now all he can do is look at his teleprompter and look and sound presidental,let's get educated about him,i don't want to see in 2year's you pulling your head out of the sand.

  2. How about that great contract Tim!!!!! Looks like the TWU is using all the BS they can to cover their asses for the crap they brought back. The fact of the matter is that you would think they would actually get something for all they gave up. Its amazing to me that we were making 24.50 in 2003 and we will be making like 22.50 in 2013. What a deal!!!!! I guess we should just keep supporting this great union!!! Not to mention it seems like the great OBAMA is actually supporting the company, in such that the mediators sure seem to think this is such a good deal.

  3. i've known what salazar's been doing for a year now,he happens to be one of glen beck's favorite subject' should actually give him a try and listen or watch him instead of reading a blog about him i bet he would surprise you.
