Friday, June 18, 2010

Conservative or Not, and the Idiot in the House

So how many of you are conservatives? How many of you think Richard Nixon was a great President. I was young but I remember him and thought he was a great President. My father even took me to a campaign rally at a high school out here in the burbs and put me on his shoulders so I could get a view of the future President himself. His one mistake was that he thought he was above the law when asked to turn over the tapes. Something many politicians these days do on a regular basis. Now they just get an attorney that agrees with them and somehow justify it. Now if you think that Obama is the first President to talk about getting off oil think again. In fact, G. W. Bush in his 2006 State of the Union speech said "This country can dramatically improve the environment, move beyond a petroleum based economy, and make our dependence on middle east oil a thing of the past". June 28, 2000, Bill Clinton said "We need a long term energy policy to maximize conservation and maximize the development of long term sources of alternative energy". Before him George H.W. Bush said on Aug 18, 1998 " There is no security for the United States in further dependence on foreign oil". Before him on February 18, 1981 Ronald Reagan said "We will continue supportive research, leading to development of new technologies and more independence from foreign oil". On July 15, 1979, Jimmy Carter said "This intolerable dependence on foreign oil". On January 15, 1975, Gerald Ford said "New standby emergency programs to achieve the independence we want". And finally Richard Nixon said on January 30, 1974, "We will break the back of the energy crisis, we will lay the foundation for our future capacity to meet Americas energy needs from Americas own energy resources". So there you have it, eight Presidents all thinking the same way about Americas energy situation. Some were hated liberals by conservatives but when a loved conservative such as Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford or Ronald Reagan talked about getting off foreign oil, conservatives were behind them 100 percent. Especially when it came to Reagan. Why is it when a Democrat has the same ideas as a Republican, Conservatives are not behind it. Look at the dumb bitch on Fox News and Friends (Gretchen Carlson) who on Monday said "It would be a good idea if Obama would ask for a little divine intervention about how were going to fix this oil leak". So in his speech on Tuesday, Obama suggested "We pray for that courage, we pray for the people of the Gulf, and we pray that a hand may guide us through the storm to a brighter day". On Wednesday Carlson ripped Obama on Fox and Friends, as being disingenuous coming from a President who does not go to church on a regular basis. I guess you just can't please everyone, or anyone at Fox News if your Obama, even if he takes their advise. Now in the list of Presidents that want to get off oil only one started the process and it wasn't a liberal. Nope, it was Nixon. Nixon created the E.P.A., Nixon signed the Clean Water Act, Nixon signed the Marine Mammal Protection Act. All these things, if he were around today would make him look more liberal than Obama, yet most conservatives still love him to this day. And then you have the IDIOT in the House. Representative Joe Barton (Republican Texas) actually apologised to B.P. for our government shaking them down. (Obama told B.P. to pay for the cleanup). He even called it a 20 billion dollar slush fund. And John Boehner, House minority leader suggested we as taxpayers pay for some of the oil spill cleanup. What an asshole, he says there's no money to extend unemployment benefits yet he can somehow find tax dollars to help B.P. in the cost of the cleanup. I wonder how much money big oil has given to these two assholes to keep them in office?


  1. wow you talk about a dumb bitch from fox and then say only conservatives are full of hate,how about all the stupid ass progressives who foam at the mouth still today if you mention bush,now people like you were the ones going around 2 years ago talking like obama was devine so don't get pissed when we make fun of the idiots who still believe it,by the way i'll take gretchen a former miss america with brains good looks and talent over that stupid ass ugly dyke from msnbc anytime[how do you like it when ugly terms are used to describe your people it goes to show you who really are the people full of hate]you talk about the texas rep how about the s.carolina dem who beat up a collage student for asking a ? and it was on tape bet you did'nt see that on msnbc probably because they have there heads up this administrations progressive,lib,socialist,commie ass.i'd like also to say besides reagan nixon is my bff.

  2. Why aren't you defending Boehner. He want's to take our tax dollars and help B.P. in the cost of cleaning up the spill.

  3. i have not seen or heard boehner say that and until i do i will not take the word of a commie.i love how emmanual is blasting b.p. ceo for going to england to watch his yacht race,and so he should be that little a-hole should be cleaning up the beaches with his own hands,but what of the devine one the imperial prez himself obama,friday he was taking in a white sox,nationals game,saturday off to the links with v.p.biden for a round of golf and last week it was a concert at the white house with paul mccarthy,oh how he must have smiled when sir paul used the occasion to blast prez bush.the only thing i see him doing is to use the oil spill to push his agenda of green energy down our throats like the health care bill,cap & trade is just going to cost the u.s. citizens trillions of $ and millions of jobs and all progressives like you can do is still blame bush,cheny and haliburton can't you get your head out of your butt once and see the light.this fall i'll be voting for kirk he has alot of explaining why he embellished his military record,but a least he is not lying and covering his ass about loans to the mob and a family bank that went under and cost tax payers millions i can't spell or even pronounce his name so i'll just call him a shameless greek,but i know you'll vote for him just because he play's b-ball with the devine one himself.

  4. i like how you spin that obama can't get a fair chance from fox news,when did bush ever recieve one from cbs,nbc,abc,cnn or my fav msnbc or even the weather channel for a matter of fact,they will play the audio of the g.o.p.senate canidate from california making a crack about her foe's hair style ,but have they played the video of s.c. rep etheridge[d] assaulting a collage student for asking a ? no did'nt think so,so go along and cry like an only child baby and try to convince yourself and other zombies you call progressives that the media is controlled by what you call radical rightwing christian conservatives.

  5. Actually all of those stations praised Bush on his work on getting rid of AIDS in Africa. Actually MSNBC had said that's one of the things that Bush did far more than Obama has done so far and he's supposed to be the progressive. I am sure I could find more if I look. As for the assault, why hasn't FOX said anything about Californias Governor candidate Meg Whitman assaulting an employee while she was CEO of EBAY. And the six figure settlement she paid out. It works both ways.

  6. Oh and Joe, Rachel stupid you say? lets compare her to Carlson. Both earned undergraduates at Stanford. Tie. Both studied at Englands Oxford University, Rachel on a scholarship full ride. Getchen was smart enough to get into Oxford one of the hardest colleges in the world. I'll even call it a tie. Where that ends is Gretchen dropped out and Rachel got a Doctorate Degree from Oxford which is as tough as school gets. Where Carlson went wrong was not her fault, it was her parents who hired Michele Bachman (R MN)to be her nanny growing up. It's no wonder her views are so fucked up with a wackjob for a nannny.

  7. wow i see all that hate is still bottled up ,well you can get your info from the far left wing hate mongers like msnbc,cbs,nbc,abc,cnn,the daley kos and all the other wack job blogs out there where all they can do is praise obama and blame bush,keep drinking the cool aid it'll make that migrain go away. oh and please since i consider this half my blog[fairness doctrine,net neutrality]watch your language it only shows how confused,misguided you've become and also children could be reading this.

  8. you mention in the last paragraph how much big oil has given to the two big assholes,well it's come out that b.p. gave more to the dems and obama last election,could that be why they got special permission to short cut drilling safety?maybe you and rachel can wrap your lips around that one and try to explain it.

  9. All businesses gave more to democrats because they knew Republicans were going to be out of office. The last thirty years of elections have shown that. And did you really think Obama was going to just snap his fingers and everything that has been fucked up over the last thirty years was going to be fixed?
