Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hypocrite and Liar, You Decide Which is Which

Recently Glenn Beck took a bow telling his audience that Fox was the only one showing footage of the Israeli's enforcing the blockade on Gaza, the specific scene showing the Commandos arriving on the ship, being beaten with poles by the people on the ship, who were delivering the aid to Gaza. I believe he said "Turn on any media outlet other than this one. They're not going to show you this. That video, your hard pressed to see it here in America from media outlets besides Fox. Nobody seems willing to show it. Leaving the question, why." What's he insinuating first of all? But the real kicker is that during the twenty four hours prior to him saying this, the following stations showed the clip he was referring to. MSNBCs Hardball with Chris Mathews, CNN, HLN, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, and even Univision showed the clip. Unfortunately Glen Beck fans are loyal followers and believe everything he says to the tee, so here is a clear example of him being caught in a flat out lie. Now to jump around a bit, seems a certain Senate candidate (Richard Blumenthal) of Connecticut a Democrat, lied about his service record in the military, saying he was in Viet Nam. After numerous deferments, he finally was accepted into the Marine Reserves and never actually served in Viet Nam. DIRTBAG, this is a great disservice to the men and women who sacrifice now and in the past to protect our nation. So in comes the respected Orrin Hatch of Utah who does not like this Democrat DIRTBAG. So Senator Hatch introduces legislation to put anyone in jail for misrepresenting his or her military record for the purposes of gaining recognition, honorarium, official office or other position of authority, employment, or other benefit. Sounds like this law is designed with Blumenthal in mind. Now it comes out that Mark Kirk a Republican from Illinois running for Senate misspoke his Service record also. He apologised saying it was just a few times out of the thousands of times he has spoke. He had been saying that he was the Navy Intelligence Officer of the Year. He had never won that award. He had been part of a unit in Italy that won an intelligence award from a group outside the Navy. One of those times was on the House Floor in March 2002 in which he said he was the Navy's intelligence officer of the year in 1998. His T.V. campaign ads said it also. In 2005 his campaign website said that he was the only member of Congress to serve in Operation Iraqi Freedom. DIRTBAG, once again a great disservice to the men and women who sacrifice for our country. When Senator Hatch's office was asked if the language in the Bill applied to Mark Kirk, Hatch's office said no. Way to go respectable Senator Hatch. Who is the hypocrite and who is the liar? We know who the DIRTBAGS are.


  1. your right about kirk i never liked him i voted in the primary for hoffmann,kirk as you know is a moderate repub like mccain someone commie libs like you can tolerate but still not like,unfortunatly this fall we have to make a choice between a wishy washy rino[repub in name only]who embellished his military carrier[military something i know you loathe]or a man who gave out loans to the mob at his family bank which has now gone in default and cost the taxpayers god knows how much,by the way a job he bragged about when he ran for state treasurer but now wants everyone to forget about[channel 2 newsman told kirk he would stop covering him if he talked about the mob ties one more time,lib bias?]another case of voting for a person who will do less damage i'll have my head out of the sand and vote for kirk,and you'll vote for the greek who'll try and turn this country like greece a commie socialist mess.

  2. i got to laugh now that i see your concern about honor in the military,i have never heard you once say anything good about it or the people who serve,were'nt you smiling at the general betrayus ad or when john kerry said only idiots enlist or how you constantly say we should cut defense spending down to bare bones to pay for more social programs.or my favorite how our men are getting theres in iraq a place they should'nt be,and now you want to talk about there honor don't make me laugh you commie pinko.

  3. this one really bugs me,the honor of the military you want to defend.the only thing that has made you proud of it is obama throwing out don't ask don't tell,how proud you must be that our military must now be put in a social experiment,wait till some are captured by islamists and beheaded not for being a g.i. but for being gay[it's against there religion punishable by death]somehow you'll still defend the terrorists and probably blame the usual bush,chenney,rush,beck and so the way it's nice to see that although you never watch or listen to beck that somehow you can still find time to find anything that he has done wrong i mean i have fun reading and making truthful fun of you on your own blog but the amount of time you invest reading hateful leftwing blogs devoted to bringing down by any means anyone who tells it like it really ,is like opening a window letting people see just how hateful the progressive left can really be.rush say's it best when he say's it great that you can live in the minds of these libs rent free[by the way did you see elton john played at rushes wedding over the weekend for a million $ looks like a progressive gay lib will look past thier own morals for the mighty $].

  4. beck showed it before the other networks,so who's the real lier?

  5. So your blasting gays being in the military but its ok for most of our coaliton in the mideast forces to have gay soldiers serving side by side. What's really sad is that all the people who talk about you living at home, never having a girlfriend and on a trip with the guys when they provided you with some female companionship and you turning it down, it was me that defended you. I know your not gay, I know you have morals and beliefs. I think it's admirable that you take care of your parents while the majority of people ship them off to a old folks home. My parents took care of my grandma until she died at 95 last year and I know whats involved in that and it's not easy. Beck may have showed it first but if you read my blog and go to the stations I mentioned they all played it before Beck started saying only Fox was showing it. As for Kirk it is against the law for someone on active duty to campaign. It is punishable by dishonarable discharge and up to two years in jail. It seems that is what he has done. Among other things such as saying he seved in operation Iraqi freedom in 2003. (He did not-Washington Post) Said he was a veteran of Operation Desert Storm in 1990 and 1991 (He is not- Daily Kos) He said he was shot at by the Iraqis (He was not- Huffington Post) said he seved in Iraq (An exaggeration- Chicago Sun Times) said he commanded the Pentagons War Room (Nope Rachel Maddow) said China is drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba, said we by oil directly from Iran,(Not true-Chicago Sun Times) he was originally for cap and trade and repealing dont ask dont tell but now he is not. Seems to me he will say anything anyone wants to hear just to get elected again and advance his career. Go ahead and vote for him just because he's a Republican not because of the facts. Because the facts state otherwise.

  6. i'll vote for him only because he's the better of the two.maddow,huffington post,daily kos now i know why you go off the deep end,as for my private life if you want to know something just ask,listening to people talk about me behind my back making jokes is not the truth,i too could do the same but then again you get your info from maddow,huffington post ,and the daily kos .

  7. You cant even be happy when someone sticks up for you. I have a good idea who you are and I have no place for petty gossip therefore I have nothing to ask you at all. Stop being such a grouch. You forgot to mention the Sun Times and Washington Post, that I quoted and I guarentee you have never watched a full episode of Rachel Maddow just as you accuse me of never watching a full episode of Glen Beck. But I watch enough of him to quote details something you can't say about Maddow. You can only put her down without any reason other than Beck and Limbaugh saying she's bad for you.

  8. hypocrites?today pelosi say's she's shelving the disclosure act,wow isn't this the administration that was going to be the must open ever,also dodd got $50 bil from stimulus for conn casinos that will solve our economic problems for sure.also with obama shuting down drilling in the gulf for 6 months watch for the oil rigs moving to brazil where his friend george soros has invested $1 bil and obama has given $2 bil for there oil development ,how much will soros make?how many of our jobs will forever disappear ? who are the real hypocrites,you decide?
