Friday, January 14, 2011
Economics 101
Economics in its most simple form and proven over the last 200 hundred years shows that when the working class has money they will spend it and when rich people have money they save it. There is no denying it, it is fact. Corporations are sitting on the largest amount of money in this countries history and that is fact. They are not spending it nor will they until demand is there and with unemployment as high as it is there will not be the demand. Businesses want smaller government so they can make even greater profits by privatizing former government functions. Example, instead of our military buying soda directly from Coca Cola for less than a dollar a can, our government in Iraq and Afghanistan now buys it from KBR a former Halliburton subsidiary paying them seven dollars for that same can. Oh by the way that's not the governments money that's our tax dollars. Would you pay that price for a soda? Absolutely not, you would shop around, only KBR got a no bid contract under the guise that they were the only company that could handle that large scale of business. To pay for that our taxes go up and that money is handed to the owners of that private business. Illinois has raised the amount of income tax on people and businesses. Shitty deal because at the same time they are not cutting out wasteful spending and there is a lot. But here comes the Governor of New Jersey to lure business back to his home state. They have a lot less corporate tax but they do have one of the highest personal income tax rates at about 11 percent depending on how much you make. In other words states with high personal income tax would rather make their money off the sweat of the working people rather than the corporations based there. If things are so bad for corporations then how is it they are sitting on a record amount of cash and we the people are broke and getting more broke by the minute. Free market right.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
How a Bill Becomes Law
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce spends millions getting Republican hacks like John Boehner elected. Tom Donohue (Head of Chamber)then hears from corporations telling him how they can increase profits if certain regulations to their business be repealed or which loopholes to add. He then reaches out to the relevant committee members funneling anonymous campaign donations to them. Organizations calling themselves think tanks send so called experts to go on television selling the virtues of this new bill with the savvy of the best used car salesman. Lobbyists employed by the business that gains, then go to Capitol Hill to get favors from the committee people in exchange for campaign funds placed into their PAC and the bill gets introduced to the floor of Congress. The bill then goes into markup in which more lobbyists oversee the language of the bill and other Congressmen insert pork for their districts. Dollars flow in the direction of the Congressman and Senators to vote yes on the bill and it then becomes law, after the President signs it. This is what happens in Congress every day. If you don't think so, in 1995 when the House was considering ending subsidies (our taxes paid to the government)to the tobacco industry, John Boehner was on the House Floor handing out checks from the tobacco industry to congressman who would vote to keep the subsidies in place. Why should my income be taxed by our government, so that they could turn around and give it to the tobacco companies? Is this the free market preached by Milton Friedman? Is this capitalism at all? No, it is income redistribution from my middle class ass, so some asshole C.E.O. can fly around in his private jet on my dime. This is the same John Boehner that just became Speaker of the House. Ok you Tea Partiers and conservatives, this is what you say your against. It's time to step up to the plate and stop Boehner from business as usual.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Obamacare (Business as usual)
In a nutshell as I see it, it was a political deal that had nothing to do with death panels or socialism. What it did was gave subsidies (our tax dollars) to big drug makers by not purchasing Medicare drugs (Medicare Part D) in discounted bulk rates but paying full retail. Then to really screw the American people he mandated to private for profit insurance companies that another 30 to 45 million Americans enroll in their inflated suck ass programs. Then he insults people like me who complain, by calling me a professional left crybaby in so many terms. Way to go. Change I could believe in, what a crock. Actually what he did was seize about 8 percent of Americas taxable income and is sending it directly to "For profit non government companies". You idiots on the right had the golden opportunity to put a stop to this. You had control of congress for many years and could have regulated the same good things that came out of Obamacare (No pre existing conditions for example) without giving the insurance industry millions more customers. Instead you idiots blew it by talking about death panels and socialism. This bill is cronyism at its best and wealth transfer at its worst. Candidate Obama who I believed in, said on the campaign trail "If mandates were the solution, we could try to solve homelessness by mandating that everybody buy a house". What did we get from him? A mandate to buy insurance. Candidate Obama said that the Big Pharm. wrote into the Medicare Prescription drug plan that Medicare could not negotiate prices with drug companies. And the chairman of the committee who pushed the law through went to work for Big Pharm. making over two million dollars a year. Obama said that's an example of the same old game playing in Washington D.C. He says "I don't want to learn how to play the game better, I want to put an end to the game playing". What did we get from Obama, no negotiations with Big Pharm. companies, but this nation did get to grow its debt even larger. This is what happens when you surround yourself with Washington insiders like Rahm Emanuel or Larry Summers. You know Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of rocks but if she got elected, she is against the whole Washington establishment and that's the appeal that she has to a lot of people in this country. What we need is someone smart enough to run the country and smart enough to not surround themselves with the revolving door that is Washington D.C.
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