Friday, January 14, 2011
Economics 101
Economics in its most simple form and proven over the last 200 hundred years shows that when the working class has money they will spend it and when rich people have money they save it. There is no denying it, it is fact. Corporations are sitting on the largest amount of money in this countries history and that is fact. They are not spending it nor will they until demand is there and with unemployment as high as it is there will not be the demand. Businesses want smaller government so they can make even greater profits by privatizing former government functions. Example, instead of our military buying soda directly from Coca Cola for less than a dollar a can, our government in Iraq and Afghanistan now buys it from KBR a former Halliburton subsidiary paying them seven dollars for that same can. Oh by the way that's not the governments money that's our tax dollars. Would you pay that price for a soda? Absolutely not, you would shop around, only KBR got a no bid contract under the guise that they were the only company that could handle that large scale of business. To pay for that our taxes go up and that money is handed to the owners of that private business. Illinois has raised the amount of income tax on people and businesses. Shitty deal because at the same time they are not cutting out wasteful spending and there is a lot. But here comes the Governor of New Jersey to lure business back to his home state. They have a lot less corporate tax but they do have one of the highest personal income tax rates at about 11 percent depending on how much you make. In other words states with high personal income tax would rather make their money off the sweat of the working people rather than the corporations based there. If things are so bad for corporations then how is it they are sitting on a record amount of cash and we the people are broke and getting more broke by the minute. Free market right.
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free market right,whats that?sounds like something that comes from people[commie,pinkos] who never work but want to take [steal] it from people who do.corporations are not going to invest money in an enviroment that is hostile towards them,would you? remember what he said to joe the plummer basicly that if you make $200k a year we will tax the hell out of you and distribute your money the way we see fit[coming from a guy who's hawaiian vacation cost tax payers over $1 mil]after 2 years this administration has finally put someone that has a relationship with bus john daly everyone else has been an academic with no out of the classroom experiance,and if you want to bring new jersy into this you forgot to mention how much the public unions have screwed that state up have they shared in sacrifices no they have not ,only contributed to the financial hardships of workers like us.
ReplyDeleteFree market right was me being sarcastic. Obama said he would go back to the tax rate during the Clinton years which was about the same as the Reagan years. He broke that promise also. Remember Reagan, the one you loved. Thats right lets go back to the tax rate during the Reagan years. Obama's vacation cost, wasn't you that gave me bullshit costs of his trip to India and the far east a couple of months ago. All proven false. Is that the same source you got those numbers from. And your really showing how smart you are because its Bill Daly. John Daly is a golfer. And now you praise him and you dont even know his name? I listened to your bullshit day after day about how Fannie Mae is so fucked up yet Bill Daly was in charge of Fannie Mae for 4 years. From there he went to JP Morgan Chase as midwest Chairman. One of the banks our tax dollars went to bail out. I call it income redistribution, you call it communism, only the money goes from us regular people to the bank execs. who get their fancy vacations on their private jets all paid for with our tax dollars. I guess your not to worried about that because the cool aid you have been drinking has got you in the mindset that it will trickle back down. Don't wait too long.
ReplyDeleteReince Priebus, RNC Chairman"
ReplyDeletetim if you want to make a differance you schould send a few $s to the above organization.
did not know till today that there is a real jimmy johns he started that sandwich shop and there is more than 1000 of those shops in the u.s.a. and that they are head quartered in champaign il.well today he said he's otta here heading for florida where he won't get taxed to death,wake up tim this is what happens when greedy dems take money from those who know how to make a living for themselves and store franchise owners and empolyees of guys like jimmy johns,don't think its going to stop there pretty soon ill will look like detroit will you still be bragging about progressives then?