Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How a Bill Becomes Law

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce spends millions getting Republican hacks like John Boehner elected. Tom Donohue (Head of Chamber)then hears from corporations telling him how they can increase profits if certain regulations to their business be repealed or which loopholes to add. He then reaches out to the relevant committee members funneling anonymous campaign donations to them. Organizations calling themselves think tanks send so called experts to go on television selling the virtues of this new bill with the savvy of the best used car salesman. Lobbyists employed by the business that gains, then go to Capitol Hill to get favors from the committee people in exchange for campaign funds placed into their PAC and the bill gets introduced to the floor of Congress. The bill then goes into markup in which more lobbyists oversee the language of the bill and other Congressmen insert pork for their districts. Dollars flow in the direction of the Congressman and Senators to vote yes on the bill and it then becomes law, after the President signs it. This is what happens in Congress every day. If you don't think so, in 1995 when the House was considering ending subsidies (our taxes paid to the government)to the tobacco industry, John Boehner was on the House Floor handing out checks from the tobacco industry to congressman who would vote to keep the subsidies in place. Why should my income be taxed by our government, so that they could turn around and give it to the tobacco companies? Is this the free market preached by Milton Friedman? Is this capitalism at all? No, it is income redistribution from my middle class ass, so some asshole C.E.O. can fly around in his private jet on my dime. This is the same John Boehner that just became Speaker of the House. Ok you Tea Partiers and conservatives, this is what you say your against. It's time to step up to the plate and stop Boehner from business as usual.


  1. I THINK V.P. AL GORE WAS DOING ALOT MORE FOR THE TOBAC IND. THEN THE PRESENT SPEAKER.i know how much you hate big bus.and how they go hand in hand with the gov[dem or repub],but thats how at times the private sector has to play ball.what i do'nt see is you moaning about how big unions are screwing us.fact late last night ill dems voted to raise our state income taxes & corporate tax rates 66% all this to keep the pigs in the public unions well fed on our dime and they do'nt have to give up one penny in fact they will be getting more.what we are about to witness is a run for the border[wis,ind,ken]by bussnesses,give it time it's going to happen ,you cried last week that you lost $ on vacation plans because of the aholes that would not let your wife go ,well how do you think all the workers in illinois that have to pay an extra $1000 a year if they made $50000 a year like me just so public union pigs can retire at 55 and then make more per year on pensions then you or i have ever made , so go ahead keep crying about how unholy big bus is, because the more you keep your attention on them the more you keep your union masters happy.

  2. if boehner was handing out checks for votes well thats illegal and you should do a citizen arrest on him,heard today that cook county treasurer maria pappas has been using my tax dollars at $95k a year for a car driver,and repubs have been critized for saying that public workers make more than thier private counterparts that they don't know what thier talking about wow $95k a year the dems have got it good going for them,almost forgot nancy polosi had to give up her airforce jet a 757 after losing her house speaker seat she's had for 4 years,the last 2 years her liquer tab for her and her friends on that plane has come to $102k thats $51k ayear more than either of us has made am i glad i have these elected officials out there looking out for the little guys like us,meanwhile that evil boehner has said that traviling between d.c. and his home district in ohio he will not use the u.s.a.f.jet but will fly commercial,what a low life scumbag son of a bitch wow i could not be happier.

  3. Actually I agree with you on Gore. Him and Clinton gave away thousands of manufacturing jobs with NAFTA and GATT. As for Pelosi when I met here in 2008 she flew on the airline we work for and from what I hear stopped using the 757 in 2007 right after she became speaker. Also if you look, the government union jobs pay a lot less than the same job the private sector pays. In fact when we had Army privates doing the logistics (driving) they were making around fifteen thousand a year. Then our government contracts it out with a no bid contract to KBR a former Cheney (Halliburton) company, spun out of the U.S. offshore to avoid paying corporate tax and they pay over one hundred thousand a year plus take a cut off for themselves. Which then is more expensive, a direct pay by the government to the employee or contracting it out to former friends who take their cut and still manage to pay five times the amount the government paid. KBR also charges us seven dollars for a single can of Coke. As for tax subsidies to private business that is not free market and even Bill Buckley was against it.
